Table of contents
Here's a brief explanation of the game:
Game Rules:
Game Board:
The game is played on a 4x4 grid.
Tiles with numbers (powers of 2) are randomly placed on the grid.
Tile Movement:
Tiles can be moved in four directions: up, down, left, and right.
When a player makes a move, all tiles on the board slide as far as possible in the chosen direction.
Tile Merging:
When two tiles with the same number collide while moving, they merge into a tile with the sum of their values.
For example, if two tiles with the number 2 collide, they merge into a single tile with the number 4.
The player earns points for every merged tile.
The goal is to reach the highest possible tile value, ideally reaching the tile with the number 2048.
Game Over:
- The game ends when there are no more valid moves (i.e., the grid is full, and no tiles can be merged).
Features Required:
Game Board:
A 4x4 grid representing the game board.
Tiles with values, initially two tiles with a value of 2 or 4.
Game Logic:
Merging tiles with the same value when they collide.
Scoring based on the merged tiles.
User Input:
- Accepting user input for movement (left, right, up, down).
Score Calculation:
- Calculating and updating the score based on merged tiles.
Design Patterns Involved:
Singleton Pattern:
- GameManager as a singleton to manage the game state.
Observer Pattern:
Subject (GameManager) and Observer (UI elements) for reacting to state changes.
Observers for changes in the game state.
Example: UI elements that update when the game state changes.
Command Pattern:
Command interface and concrete command classes for different user inputs.
Example: MoveLeftCommand, MoveRightCommand, MoveUpCommand, MoveDownCommand.
Factory Pattern:
CommandFactory for creating instances of commands.
Example: CommandFactory for creating move commands.
Relationship Diagram
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
// Singleton Pattern
class GameManager {
private static GameManager instance;
private int[][] board;
private List<GameObserver> observers;
private GameManager() {
// Private constructor to prevent instantiation
observers = new ArrayList<>();
public static GameManager getInstance() {
if (instance == null) {
instance = new GameManager();
return instance;
private void initializeBoard() {
// Initialize the game board
board = new int[4][4];
private void addRandomTile() {
// Add a new tile (2 or 4) to a random empty cell
Random random = new Random();
int value = (random.nextInt(2) + 1) * 2; // Either 2 or 4
int row, col;
do {
row = random.nextInt(4);
col = random.nextInt(4);
} while (board[row][col] != 0);
board[row][col] = value;
public void move(Direction direction) {
// Handle the move logic (left, right, up, down)
// ...
// After each move, add a new tile
notifyObservers(); // Notify observers about the board update
public int[][] getBoard() {
return board;
// Observer Pattern
public void addObserver(GameObserver observer) {
private void notifyObservers() {
for (GameObserver observer : observers) {
// Observer Pattern
interface GameObserver {
void update(int[][] board);
class ScoreManager implements GameObserver {
private int score;
public void update(int[][] board) {
// Update the score based on the current state of the board
// For simplicity, let's assume the score is the sum of all tile values
score = calculateScore(board);
// Notify UI or other components about the score change
System.out.println("Score Updated: " + score);
private int calculateScore(int[][] board) {
int totalScore = 0;
for (int[] row : board) {
for (int cell : row) {
totalScore += cell;
return totalScore;
public int getScore() {
return score;
// PlayerData class
class PlayerData {
private String playerName;
private int score;
public PlayerData(String playerName) {
this.playerName = playerName;
this.score = 0;
public int getScore() {
return score;
public void updateScore(int points) {
score += points;
// Command Pattern
interface MoveCommand {
void execute();
class MoveLeftCommand implements MoveCommand {
public void execute() {
class MoveRightCommand implements MoveCommand {
public void execute() {
class MoveUpCommand implements MoveCommand {
public void execute() {
class MoveDownCommand implements MoveCommand {
public void execute() {
// Factory Pattern
class CommandFactory {
public MoveCommand createCommand(Direction direction) {
switch (direction) {
case LEFT:
return new MoveLeftCommand();
case RIGHT:
return new MoveRightCommand();
case UP:
return new MoveUpCommand();
case DOWN:
return new MoveDownCommand();
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid direction");
// Enum for directions
enum Direction {
// Main class
public class Game2048 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
GameManager gameManager = GameManager.getInstance();
// Observer Pattern
ScoreManager scoreManager = new ScoreManager();
// Player Data
PlayerData player = new PlayerData("Player1");
// Command Pattern
CommandFactory commandFactory = new CommandFactory();
MoveCommand moveLeftCommand = commandFactory.createCommand(Direction.LEFT);
MoveCommand moveRightCommand = commandFactory.createCommand(Direction.RIGHT);
// Execute commands
// Get the current state of the board
int[][] currentBoard = gameManager.getBoard();
// Print the board
for (int[] row : currentBoard) {
for (int cell : row) {
System.out.print(cell + "\t");
// Observer Pattern: Update the score
System.out.println("Current Score: " + scoreManager.getScore());
// Update player data based on the score
System.out.println("Player Score: " + player.getScore());
This example provides a basic structure for a 2048 game, incorporating the Singleton, Observer, Command, and Factory design patterns. The game manager is a singleton that manages the game state, and observers are notified of changes in the game state. Command classes encapsulate different user inputs, and a factory is used to create instances of these commands.