Features Required:
Different types of companies:
- Companies can have different structures (e.g., inbound, outbound, blended).
Registration Fee:
- Different companies might have different registration fees.
- Track and manage liability aspects for each company.
Minimum Directors:
- Ensure compliance with regulations regarding the minimum number of directors.
User Management:
- Manage users with different roles (e.g., agents, supervisors, administrators).
Call Handling:
- Handle incoming and outgoing calls efficiently.
Reporting and Analytics:
- Provide insights into call center performance.
Design Patterns Involved or Used:
Factory Method Pattern:
- Use the Factory Method Pattern to create instances of different types of companies.
Observer Pattern:
- Implement the Observer Pattern for notifying users and systems about changes in call center status or events.
Command Pattern:
- Use the Command Pattern for managing user commands related to call handling.
Composite Pattern:
- Organize users and roles using the Composite Pattern, allowing hierarchical structures.
State Pattern:
- Apply the State Pattern for managing the state of calls (e.g., ringing, ongoing, completed).
Below is a simplified Java-based code outline for some of the components mentioned. This is a basic representation; a complete system would require more classes and methods.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
// Factory Method Pattern
interface CompanyFactory {
Company createCompany(String type);
class InboundCompanyFactory implements CompanyFactory {
public Company createCompany(String type) {
if ("inbound".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) {
return new InboundCallCenter();
// Handle other types of companies
return null;
// Observer Pattern
interface CallCenterObserver {
void update(String event);
class User implements CallCenterObserver {
private String name;
public User(String name) {
this.name = name;
public void update(String event) {
System.out.println("User " + name + " received event: " + event);
// Command Pattern
interface CallCommand {
void execute();
class AnswerCallCommand implements CallCommand {
public void execute() {
System.out.println("Call answered");
// Composite Pattern
abstract class UserComponent {
abstract void displayInfo();
class UserLeaf extends UserComponent {
private String name;
public UserLeaf(String name) {
this.name = name;
void displayInfo() {
System.out.println("User: " + name);
class UserComposite extends UserComponent {
private List < UserComponent > users = new ArrayList < > ();
public void add(UserComponent user) {
public void remove(UserComponent user) {
void displayInfo() {
for (UserComponent user: users) {
// State Pattern
interface CallState {
void handleCall();
class RingingState implements CallState {
public void handleCall() {
System.out.println("Ringing state - waiting for user response");
// Context class that uses State
class Call {
private CallState state;
public Call(CallState state) {
this.state = state;
public void setState(CallState state) {
this.state = state;
public void handleCall() {
// Concrete CallCenter class
class InboundCallCenter implements Company {
private List < CallCenterObserver > observers = new ArrayList < > ();
public void addObserver(CallCenterObserver observer) {
public void removeObserver(CallCenterObserver observer) {
public void notifyObservers(String event) {
for (CallCenterObserver observer: observers) {
// Main class
public class CallCenterApp {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Create a call center using Factory Pattern
CompanyFactory companyFactory = new InboundCompanyFactory();
Company callCenter = companyFactory.createCompany("inbound");
// Observer Pattern
CallCenterObserver user1 = new User("Alice");
CallCenterObserver user2 = new User("Bob");
((InboundCallCenter) callCenter).addObserver(user1);
((InboundCallCenter) callCenter).addObserver(user2);
((InboundCallCenter) callCenter).notifyObservers("New call received");
// Command Pattern
CallCommand answerCommand = new AnswerCallCommand();
// Singleton Pattern
LicenseManager licenseManager = LicenseManager.getInstance();
if (licenseManager.checkLicense()) {
System.out.println("License is valid");
// Composite Pattern
UserComponent userLeaf1 = new UserLeaf("Charlie");
UserComponent userLeaf2 = new UserLeaf("David");
UserComponent userComposite = new UserComposite();
((UserComposite) userComposite).add(userLeaf1);
((UserComposite) userComposite).add(userLeaf2);
// State Pattern
Call ringingCall = new Call(new RingingState());
In this example, I've expanded on the Factory, Observer, Command, Singleton, Composite, and State patterns. This is still a simplified version, and a real-world application would require more robust error handling, database integration, and additional features.