Table of contents
The Splitwise application involves several features that can be implemented using various design patterns. Below is an outline of the required features, design patterns, and a basic code structure for each.
Features Required:
User Management:
Create User
Add/Remove Friends
Group Management:
Create Group
Add/Remove Members
Track Group Expenses
Expense Management:
Add Expense
Split Expense (Equally, Unequally, by Percentage)
View Balances
- Settle Balances
Design Patterns Involved or Used:
Singleton Pattern:
- Use a singleton pattern for a UserManager to manage user-related operations.
Factory Pattern:
- Use a factory pattern to create different types of expenses (EqualExpense, UnequalExpense, PercentageExpense).
Observer Pattern:
- Implement an observer pattern to notify users/groups about changes in expenses or settlements.
Strategy Pattern:
- Use a strategy pattern for splitting expenses (Equally, Unequally, by Percentage).
Command Pattern:
- Implement a command pattern to encapsulate different expense operations.
Facade Pattern:
- Utilize a facade pattern to simplify interactions and provide a unified interface to the system.
Sequence Diagram
Code: Detailed Implementation of Features and Classes
import java.util.*;
// Singleton Pattern
class UserManager {
private static UserManager instance;
private Map<String, User> users;
private UserManager() {
users = new HashMap<>();
public static UserManager getInstance() {
if (instance == null) {
instance = new UserManager();
return instance;
public void addUser(User user) {
users.put(user.getUserId(), user);
public User getUser(String userId) {
return users.get(userId);
class User {
private String userId;
private String name;
public User(String userId, String name) {
this.userId = userId; = name;
public String getUserId() {
return userId;
public String getName() {
return name;
// Factory Pattern
interface ExpenseFactory {
Expense createExpense(double totalAmount, List<User> participants);
class EqualExpenseFactory implements ExpenseFactory {
public Expense createExpense(double totalAmount, List<User> participants) {
return new EqualExpense(totalAmount, participants);
class UnequalExpenseFactory implements ExpenseFactory {
public Expense createExpense(double totalAmount, List<User> participants) {
return new UnequalExpense(totalAmount, participants);
// Observer Pattern
interface Observer {
void update();
class ExpenseObserver implements Observer {
public void update() {
// Update logic for expenses...
// Strategy Pattern
interface SplitStrategy {
Map<User, Double> splitExpense(double totalAmount, List<User> participants);
class EqualSplitStrategy implements SplitStrategy {
public Map<User, Double> splitExpense(double totalAmount, List<User> participants) {
Map<User, Double> shares = new HashMap<>();
double share = totalAmount / participants.size();
for (User participant : participants) {
shares.put(participant, share);
return shares;
class UnequalSplitStrategy implements SplitStrategy {
public Map<User, Double> splitExpense(double totalAmount, List<User> participants) {
// Custom splitting logic based on user preferences, weights, etc.
// For simplicity, we'll use equal splitting for demonstration purposes.
return new EqualSplitStrategy().splitExpense(totalAmount, participants);
// Command Pattern
interface ExpenseCommand {
void execute();
class AddExpenseCommand implements ExpenseCommand {
private Expense expense;
public AddExpenseCommand(Expense expense) {
this.expense = expense;
public void execute() {
// Execute add expense logic...
// Facade Pattern
class SplitwiseFacade {
private UserManager userManager;
private List<Expense> expenses;
private List<Observer> observers;
public SplitwiseFacade() {
userManager = UserManager.getInstance();
expenses = new ArrayList<>();
observers = new ArrayList<>();
public void addObserver(Observer observer) {
public void addUser(User user) {
public void addEqualExpense(double totalAmount, List<User> participants) {
ExpenseFactory factory = new EqualExpenseFactory();
Expense expense = factory.createExpense(totalAmount, participants);
// Other facade methods...
private void notifyObservers() {
for (Observer observer : observers) {
// Expense Classes
abstract class Expense {
protected double totalAmount;
protected List<User> participants;
protected Map<User, Double> shares;
protected SplitStrategy splitStrategy;
public Expense(double totalAmount, List<User> participants, SplitStrategy splitStrategy) {
this.totalAmount = totalAmount;
this.participants = participants;
this.splitStrategy = splitStrategy;
public abstract void calculateShares();
class EqualExpense extends Expense {
public EqualExpense(double totalAmount, List<User> participants) {
super(totalAmount, participants, new EqualSplitStrategy());
public void calculateShares() {
shares = splitStrategy.splitExpense(totalAmount, participants);
class UnequalExpense extends Expense {
public UnequalExpense(double totalAmount, List<User> participants) {
super(totalAmount, participants, new UnequalSplitStrategy());
public void calculateShares() {
shares = splitStrategy.splitExpense(totalAmount, participants);
// Main Class
public class SplitwiseApp {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SplitwiseFacade splitwise = new SplitwiseFacade();
User user1 = new User("1", "Alice");
User user2 = new User("2", "Bob");
splitwise.addObserver(new ExpenseObserver());
splitwise.addEqualExpense(100.0, Arrays.asList(user1, user2));
// Additional operations...
🔴 Drawbacks and Issues
⚠️ 1️⃣ Concurrency Issues in Expense Splitting
❌ Problem:
Multiple users can add expenses at the same time, leading to race conditions when updating balances.
No locking mechanism ensures the correctness of transactions.
✅ Solution: Will be covered in our premium course.
⚠️ 2️⃣ Inefficient Expense Splitting (O(N²) Complexity)
❌ Problem:
Splitting expenses iterates over all participants every time, making it O(N²) in worst case.
Not optimized for large groups with many users.
✅ Solution: Will be covered in our premium course.
⚠️ 3️⃣ Lack of Transaction Rollback in Case of Failure
❌ Problem:
If a split transaction fails mid-way, some users will have incorrect balances.
There is no rollback mechanism to revert incomplete updates.
✅ Solution: Will be covered in our premium course.
⚠️ 4️⃣ Scalability Issues with Large Groups
❌ Problem:
Large groups (100+ users) slow down operations due to frequent balance calculations.
Every expense update triggers multiple notifications, leading to performance bottlenecks.
✅ Solution: Will be covered in our premium course.
⚠️ 5️⃣ No Notification Throttling in Observer Pattern
❌ Problem:
Each expense update notifies all observers immediately, leading to notification overload.
High-frequency transactions (e.g., many small expenses) result in notification spam.
✅ Solution: Will be covered in our premium course.