Design OYO-Airbnb Part 1 - Database Modelling

Design OYO-Airbnb Part 1 - Database Modelling

Features Included:

  1. User Authentication: Secure login and registration.

  2. Room Listings: Hosts can list their rooms with details such as location, amenities, and pricing.

  3. Bookings: Users can book rooms for specific dates.

  4. Reviews and Ratings: Users can review and rate rooms and hosts.

  5. Messaging: Communication between hosts and guests.

  6. Search Functionality: Users can search for available rooms based on location, dates, and amenities.

  7. Transaction Processing: Handling room reservations and payments.

  8. Dynamic Pricing of Rooms: Room prices can change based on demand, season, etc.

  9. Multi-Currency Support: Room pricing can be in different currencies.

  10. Inventory Management: Manage the availability of rooms based on bookings.

Entity/Table with Detailed Info about Every Value

  1. Users Table:

    • user_id (Primary Key): Unique identifier for each user.

    • username: Username chosen by the user.

    • email: User's email address.

    • password_hash: Encrypted password.

    • created_at: Timestamp of user account creation.

  2. Rooms Table:

    • room_id (Primary Key): Unique identifier for each room.

    • host_id (Foreign Key): User ID of the host.

    • location: Location of the room.

    • amenities: Amenities offered by the room.

    • base_price_per_night: Base price per night for the room in the default currency.

    • currency: Currency of the base price.

    • created_at: Timestamp of when the room was listed.

  3. DynamicPricing Table:

    • pricing_id (Primary Key): Unique identifier for each pricing entry.

    • room_id (Foreign Key): Room ID.

    • start_date: Start date for the dynamic pricing.

    • end_date: End date for the dynamic pricing.

    • price_per_night: Dynamic price per night for the specified date range.

    • currency: Currency of the dynamic price.

  4. Bookings Table:

    • booking_id (Primary Key): Unique identifier for each booking.

    • room_id (Foreign Key): Room ID of the booked room.

    • guest_id (Foreign Key): User ID of the guest.

    • check_in_date: Check-in date for the booking.

    • check_out_date: Check-out date for the booking.

    • total_price: Total price for the booking in the currency of the room.

    • currency: Currency of the total price.

    • created_at: Timestamp of when the booking was made.

  5. Reviews Table:

    • review_id (Primary Key): Unique identifier for each review.

    • room_id (Foreign Key): Room ID being reviewed.

    • user_id (Foreign Key): User ID of the reviewer.

    • rating: Rating given by the user.

    • comment: Review comment.

    • created_at: Timestamp of when the review was created.

  6. Messages Table:

    • message_id (Primary Key): Unique identifier for each message.

    • sender_id (Foreign Key): User ID of the sender.

    • receiver_id (Foreign Key): User ID of the receiver.

    • content: Message content.

    • created_at: Timestamp of when the message was sent.

  7. Currencies Table:

    • currency_code (Primary Key): Currency code (e.g., USD, EUR).

    • exchange_rate_to_base: Exchange rate to convert to the base currency.

Details about 1-NF, 2-NF, etc., of Each Table in Tabular Format with Explanation Details

UsersYesYesYesAll attributes are atomic and each record is uniquely identified by user_id. Non-key attributes (username, email, password_hash, created_at) depend solely on the primary key. No transitive dependencies.
RoomsYesYesYesAll attributes are atomic and each record is uniquely identified by room_id. Non-key attributes (host_id, location, amenities, base_price_per_night, currency, created_at) depend solely on the primary key. No transitive dependencies.
DynamicPricingYesYesYesAll attributes are atomic and each record is uniquely identified by pricing_id. Non-key attributes (room_id, start_date, end_date, price_per_night, currency) depend solely on the primary key. No transitive dependencies.
BookingsYesYesYesAll attributes are atomic and each record is uniquely identified by booking_id. Non-key attributes (room_id, guest_id, check_in_date, check_out_date, total_price, currency, created_at) depend solely on the primary key. No transitive dependencies.
ReviewsYesYesYesAll attributes are atomic and each record is uniquely identified by review_id. Non-key attributes (room_id, user_id, rating, comment, created_at) depend solely on the primary key. No transitive dependencies.
MessagesYesYesYesAll attributes are atomic and each record is uniquely identified by message_id. Non-key attributes (sender_id, receiver_id, content, created_at) depend solely on the primary key. No transitive dependencies.
CurrenciesYesYesYesAll attributes are atomic and each record is uniquely identified by currency_code. Non-key attributes (exchange_rate_to_base) depend solely on the primary key. No transitive dependencies.

All Queries Required for Applications

  1. Retrieve available rooms for a given location and date range:

     SELECT r.*
     FROM Rooms r
     LEFT JOIN Bookings b ON r.room_id = b.room_id
        AND :check_in_date < b.check_out_date
        AND :check_out_date > b.check_in_date
     WHERE r.location = :location
     AND b.booking_id IS NULL;
  2. Retrieve dynamic pricing for a room and date range:

     SELECT dp.*
     FROM DynamicPricing dp
     WHERE dp.room_id = :room_id
     AND dp.start_date <= :check_in_date
     AND dp.end_date >= :check_out_date;
  3. Retrieve bookings for a specific user:

     SELECT * FROM Bookings
     WHERE guest_id = :user_id;
  4. Retrieve reviews for a specific room:

     SELECT * FROM Reviews
     WHERE room_id = :room_id;
  5. Retrieve messages between two users:

     SELECT * FROM Messages
     WHERE (sender_id = :user_id1 AND receiver_id = :user_id2)
        OR (sender_id = :user_id2 AND receiver_id = :user_id1);
  6. Convert room pricing to a different currency:

     SELECT r.*, r.price_per_night * c.exchange_rate_to_base AS price_in_target_currency
     FROM Rooms r
     JOIN Currencies c ON r.currency = c.currency_code
     WHERE r.room_id = :room_id
     AND c.currency_code = :target_currency;

All Required Indexing or Background Jobs

  1. Indexing:

    • Index on location in the Rooms table for efficient location-based searches:

        CREATE INDEX idx_location ON Rooms (location);
    • Index on room_id in the Bookings table for optimizing room availability queries:

        CREATE INDEX idx_room_id ON Bookings (room_id);
    • Index on check_in_date and check_out_date in the Bookings table for optimizing date range queries:

        CREATE INDEX idx_booking_dates ON Bookings (check_in_date, check_out_date);
    • Index on user_id in the Reviews table for fast review retrieval:

        CREATE INDEX idx_user_id ON Reviews (user_id);
    • Index on sender_id and receiver_id in the Messages table for efficient message retrieval:

        CREATE INDEX idx_sender_receiver ON Messages (sender_id, receiver_id);
    • Index on room_id, start_date, and end_date in the DynamicPricing table for efficient dynamic pricing queries:

        CREATE INDEX idx_dynamic_pricing ON DynamicPricing (room_id, start_date, end_date);
  2. Background Jobs:

    • Regularly update room availability based on bookings and check-out dates.

    • Periodic maintenance tasks to analyze and optimize query performance.

    • Background tasks for handling transactions and updating user-related statistics.

    • Regularly update currency exchange rates in the Currencies table.

Query Plan Optimization

  1. Regularly Review and Optimize:

    • Periodically review and optimize the execution plans of the search queries using tools like EXPLAIN in MySQL.
  2. Database Profiling:

    • Use a database profiler to identify slow-performing queries and optimize accordingly.
  3. Caching:

    • Implement caching for frequently accessed data to reduce database load.
  4. Denormalization:

    • Consider denormalizing data for frequently accessed information, such as precomputed availability for popular locations.
  5. Partitioning:

    • Partition large tables based on criteria such as location or date to improve query performance.
  6. Load Balancing:

    • Distribute the database load using load balancing techniques to handle high traffic efficiently.

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